Prior to each conference, trainers submit proposals and the training selection team, a global and local track chair, work with the Program Coordinator to select the trainings that will be offered. Many top-quality proposals aren’t selected, simply because there are more potentials submitted than can be offered. To make the path to training more clear, here are some insights into the selection process and how to best present your training for consideration.
It’s all in the details
Submitting a detailed proposal is essential to being selected because it empowers the selection team to fairly compare the important elements of each proposed training, apples to apples. Without the experience of having attended every proposed training, the selection team must rely on the details provided to give them a strong feel for the attendee experience. The team also assesses the potential financial and program success of having that training at this con.
Who (exactly) will benefit from this training and what are the prerequisites?
In order for a training to be profitable, a course needs to appeal to a broad audience by providing training on topics relevant to attendees’ needs at that time. Clearly listing out the audience, who will benefit and why, as well as the required prerequisites, helps potential trainees confidently self-select, which increase both sales and satisfaction.
What (exactly) will be covered over the course of the day?
The backbone of a successful training is effectively covering material at a strong pace with no gaps or lags in the day … not too fast, not too slow. Experienced trainers know how to create a strong agenda and the selection team benefits from seeing how they’ll do it. This information is especially important for trainers who haven’t trained at DrupalCon before.
What (exactly) will attendees do and what will they leave with?
Trainings that receive high ratings from attendees include hands-on exercises and real-world examples. During selection, the team is looking for activities spread across the day that provide attendees with the skills and understanding they hope to acquire, and the tools they need in order to continue learning when the training ends.
Training is an investment, so the more relevant resources and skills an attendee leaves your classroom with, the better.
Will this course sell?
Every training has a minimum number of attendees required in order to run. The goal after selection is for every training to run and ideally, to sell out. Training is a risky investment for both the trainers and the conference organizers. Trainers commit time and resources to producing quality courses and providing experienced training teams to help attendees master the material.
As the process for training selection has become more clear and longer-term relationships are being built with previous trainers, training sales at DrupalCon have increased significantly.
How do I train at a DrupalCon?
The easy answer is … train!
DrupalCon training courses are offered by experienced trainers and the trainings themselves have been tested and improved prior to DrupalCon. Trainings which have not previously run are never selected.
Want to get your feet wet? Volunteer to proctor a course at DrupalCon Austin with a selected experienced trainer and learn about training from the inside or offer to train at a local Drupal camp.
If you have feedback or questions on training or selection, we encourage you to reach out to the selection team.
Important dates
The call for training proposals ends March 7 at 11:59pm Central Standard Time, UTC -6.
Selected trainers will be contacted the week of March 24.
Trainings will be announced and available for registration on April 1.
Good luck!
The DrupalCon Austin Training Team
Diana Dupuis, @dianadupuis
Amenity Applewhite, The University of Texas at Austin