Today almost everyone understands how to build a simple JavaScript application these days. But the problems come when you want to write large JS application.
In this BOF I will give you an introduction and walk through of many of the patterns and practices that your JavaScript applications need to be scalable.
With the recent explosion of JavaScript MVC tools and frameworks, though, many of us find ourselves in over our heads, looking at patterns and practices that work well for small applications and pages but fail when scaling to anything substantial.
I will explain how to use Drupal (Services) as Rest Server to complete the Pattern Design MVC, where M stand for Drupal Model.
You’ll learn how and when to properly decouple disparate areas of your application through messaging patterns, and more. And all of this will be illustrated with Backbone, MarionetteJS and additional plugins and patterns that can give you an edge in creating scalable applications in JavaScript.
I was hoping there'd be a backbone bof. Looking forward to it.
Hi Luke
Hi Luke
For sure we will talk about Backbone, because is the core of MarionetteJS.
Pushstate + SEO
Cool, thanks for the
Cool, thanks for the information