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Do you work for a university, laboratory, or other research institution and is planning an ORCID (http://orcid.org/) deployment? This BoF is to gather anyone who is interested in collaborating on an ORCID integration module for Drupal.

Why collaborate? Each institution most likely has different initial starting point requirements. For example, one institution may simply want to integrate a researcher's ORCID identifier into the user profile. Another may want to display data retrieved from the ORCID repository. You can be nearly certain that once your initial integration is complete, your customers are going to want more! By pooling all of these into a module (or collection of modules) then, of course, we all benefit!

There is already a sandbox at https://drupal.org/sandbox/partyka/2268549

8A - JustDigital | 3rd floor
Time slot: 
Wednesday · 10:45-11:45