The Magic Module: Making Frontend Sexy Fast

iamcarrico’s picture

This BoF will discuss how to use the magic module in Drupal 7, as well as plans for Drupal 8.

The creators of Aurora, Mothership, Omega 4, and Zen will all get together to ensure we have a standard set of tools between the themes to ensure we do not have to re-do each others work. Since we are all starting work on Drupal 8, we will be talking about what we need to do to Magic in Drupal 8 to start off on the right foot.

10C - HS2 Solutions | 3rd floor
Time slot: 
Tuesday · 02:15-03:15


nod_’s picture

I can't be in Austin but if we're talking standard set of tools, core might be a good place for it. care to elaborate a little to see if core could help there?

If conversation comes from this for theming issues that should be in core--- then we can address it there. But there are some things (such as Magic's D7 selective removal of CSS/JS) that probably shouldn't be in core.