The Great Multisite Debate

joshk’s picture

I multisite good or bad? Misunderstood? "Considered Dangerous" or the key to a solid platform? Join representatives from Acquia, Aegir, Pantheon and others with strong opinions on this subject.

Moderated by Jon Pugh.

8A - JustDigital | 3rd floor
Time slot: 
Thursday · 10:45-11:45


davidseth’s picture

Please video this or at least post blog(s) entries on it. Wish I could be in attendance to hear what everyone has to say.

I enjoyed all of the different opinions and perspectives, and overall it really helped to deepen my knowledge of the issue. Since it was a panel-style without much structure, it might be tough for some people to glean all of the useful bits. Updating the Drupal docs or even a pro/con list would be awesome. I'd also love to see if some of the pro-multisite folks could provide some best practices and suggested solutions.

Props to Jon for moderating and not being afraid to wade into the fray.